Espectro para o 5G

Este fórum interativo de um dia examinará os requistiro por trás das exigências de espectro para 5G nas diferentes faixas de freqüência que serão necessárias para atender à estas várias tecnologias.
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Las Violetas de Bronka

"(...) A proposta de fazer um programa com mulheres foi bem acolhida pelas pessoas da Rádio, em geral lhes pareceu interessante(...)". Leia esta entrevista com a Domi...
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Provedor Comunitário

Como Montar e Regularizar um Provedor Comunitário. A ONG ARTIGO 19 reuniu presencialmente vários especialistas para discutir os temas que seriam abordados neste estudo...
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Network Infrastructures - The Commons Model for Local Participation, Governance and Sustainability

The attached APC Issue Paper by Leandro Navarro discusses the models for network infrastructure commons. From the Executive Summary:

"Network infrastructures provide connectivity, a critical resource for our digital lives, and are therefore key for social inclusion and public participation. There are many technical, economic and operational ways to provide internet connectivity. In this paper we describe a model to develop network infrastructure as common property, governed under the principles of common-pool resources. The model is based on the principles of cooperation instead of competition – because universal connectivity can only be achieved if everyone has the right to create their own connectivity. There are many examples of how communities have succeeded in organising to achieve this. The result is local community network infrastructures that are open, sustainable and adapted to local conditions, which can produce abundant connectivity and support local socioeconomic development, everywhere and for everyone."

Leandro Navarro has a background in computer networks and telecommunications. His main focus of research and social activism is around commons in the context of universal access through community networks, community clouds, and circular economy models for digital devices. He was a co-founder of APC member organisation, an internet service provider for social organisations and activists in Barcelona. He is also an associate professor at the Technical University of Catalonia. Email: