Network Infrastructures - The Commons Model for Local Participation, Governance and Sustainability
The attached APC Issue Paper by Leandro Navarro discusses the models for network infrastructure commons. From the Executive Summary:
Este fórum interativo de um dia examinará os requistiro por trás das exigências de espectro para 5G nas diferentes faixas de freqüência que serão necessárias para atender à estas várias tecnologias.
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"(...) A proposta de fazer um programa com mulheres foi bem acolhida pelas pessoas da Rádio, em geral lhes pareceu interessante(...)". Leia esta entrevista com a Domi...
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Como Montar e Regularizar um Provedor Comunitário. A ONG ARTIGO 19 reuniu presencialmente vários especialistas para discutir os temas que seriam abordados neste estudo...
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The attached APC Issue Paper by Leandro Navarro discusses the models for network infrastructure commons. From the Executive Summary:
The Internet Society (ISOC) aims to make the Internet available for everyone, everywhere.[1] ISOC works with industry, government, academia, and other organizations worldwide to support innovation and growth of the open Internet. For over 25 years, ISOC has helped to connect individuals in virtually every country to the Internet. Part of our mission includes highlighting key policy issues related to connectivity.
Author: Ritu Srivastava (Digital Empowerment Foundation, DEF India). Editors: Konstantinos Komaitis (ISOC), Jane Coffin (ISOC), Mike Jensen (APC) and Michael Oghia (ISOC). Reviewer: Osama Manzar (DEF India). Published in December, 2017. Describes DEF's Wireless for Communities (W4C) network project strategy for improving the availability of affordable broadband as a case study in understanding the legal and regulatory challenges of spectrum allocation and management, licensing regulation, and bandwidth issues in India.
Steve Song reports on the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Summit (London, 1-3 of May, 2018).
At the end is the link to the cloud repository of presentations and videos of the DSA summits in Bogotá (2016), Cape Town (2017), and London (2018).
O Fundo Regional para a Inovação Digital na América Latina e o Caribe (FRIDA), na sua chamada de 2018, vai priorizar projetos de redes comunitárias e iniciativas que promovam a equidade de gênero na tecnologia, com um total de US$ 95.000 a ser distribuido em prêmios, subsídios e um escalamento (*).